Rob Williams
Joined: Sep 20, 2009
Last seen: Jul 30, 2024
Topics: 161 / Replies: 1344
RE: New Historical Map Page

Thanks, Bryon. I thought I had corrected for the datum (or at least close enough), by using a tool like this that Paul had referred me to: It sh...

11 years ago
RE: 506/508/509 and the old Abbott Trail

Thanks for posting this trip report, Paul. Very interesting stuff. I'll have to go check out the old phone line down there one of these days. I had...

11 years ago
RE: New Historical Map Page

Yea, it would be, but it wouldn't be as cool (or as useful). I'll get it figured out eventually....

11 years ago
RE: New Historical Map Page

All I can tell you it is has to do with some very complicated math (there is a LOT of math used in maps). I do know that the farther west you get, th...

11 years ago
RE: New Historical Map Page

I still have to figure out how to correct the "shift" in the overlay - it has to do with the map datums used on the old maps compared to today. You s...

11 years ago
RE: New Historical Map Page

I have been experimenting with some tools to create online maps from the new historical map scans. I'm still experimenting, but I thought I would pos...

11 years ago
RE: New Historical Map Page

I spent some time this morning updating the maps page and the "old" historical maps page to reflect the new scanned maps (instead of referring to the ...

11 years ago
RE: Grouse Point 517 w/Perrywinkle Falls and SF side trip

4611 is a "road", more or less....Actually it wasn't too bad, but there are a few sections that have slumped - and there are the ever present HUGE pot...

11 years ago
RE: What trail am I on? Spring 2013 edition

Well Don, your clues have confused me (which is not hard to do). I thought you might be referring to Oak Grove Butte, but I don't see any dotted trai...

11 years ago
RE: What trail am I on? Spring 2013 edition

Donald Presley said So here is a trivia question for you. How many trails in our district go underneath power lines, current and abandoned trails inc...

11 years ago
RE: Grouse Point 517 w/Perrywinkle Falls and SF side trip

Amazing report - and even more amazing to me is that he said he didn't bring a map or a GPS to do all this bushwhacking. I wonder what he considers "...

11 years ago
RE: New Historical Map Page

There is just one '38 map. On the site, there is the full map (143MB) and then there is the cropped version (33MB) which is essentially the Clackamas...

11 years ago
RE: New Historical Map Page

I have uploaded the new maps and have updated the selector page to point to the new maps, removing the old photo images. I haven't completed my testi...

11 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 182
RE: recommend backpacking loop in Mt Jefferson area?

I don't know as much about the Jefferson Wilderness area, but there are some nice loops you can do in the Olallie area - lots of lakes available and l...

11 years ago
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