Rob Williams
Joined: Sep 20, 2009
Last seen: Jul 28, 2024
Topics: 161 / Replies: 1344
RE: Collawash Mtn trails

Thanks for posting this, Doug! It is very timely for me. I had been looking at old lookout panoramas and saw the Collawash Mountain one and thought ...

8 years ago
RE: 1964 flood on the Clackamas

Doug: Thanks for posting these articles. Interestingly enough, I recently had conversations with a family that lived up in Oak Grove during the "b...

8 years ago
RE: Pick Creek Trail

Were you trying to post photos? I was curious to see your find. I don't see any photos in your posting, though.

8 years ago
RE: Fanton Trail below NF 4613

rf said Those old maps you have up are great! If you like the old maps, you should try the map overlays: Map Overlay You can overlay two map...

8 years ago
RE: Bissell Trail Connections

As far as I know the segment from the existing trailhead to Bissell is no longer there, but that would be a good exploration trip for an experienced t...

8 years ago
RE: Fanton Trail below NF 4613

I saw that short segment the last time I hiked that trail last fall. I doubt there will be any attempt to resurrect it since there is no real good de...

8 years ago
RE: New Clearcuts in the Clackamas

I believe that the Forest Service has "abandoned" the north end of Rho Ridge. The Forest Service trail page shows the trail starting at Graham Pass: ...

8 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 221
RE: Moving Carter Bridge in 1967

Wow - shows how good my memory is... 🙂 That was only last year, too! Well, at least I remembered the important stuff. Thanks again for posting...

8 years ago
RE: Moving Carter Bridge in 1967

That is a very neat photo, Doug! How on earth did you find it? I thought I had a copy of a photo showing that bridge where it washed out in that f...

8 years ago
RE: Old camp off the Eagle Creek trail

Just to close the loop a bit - I found out a couple of snippets of information about this camp. It appears to be referenced in the 1969 book "100 Ore...

8 years ago
8 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 226
Replies: 0
Views: 172
RE: Cripple Creek Trail

The "grotto" is a term that some people have used for the small waterfall below the hillside meadow a mile or so up the trail.

8 years ago
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