Last seen: Jan 22, 2025
Hi Pete: I'm assuming you are talking about the west end of the grouse point trail that heads down to the Roaring River? It has probably been 3 ye...
Doug Firman said Rob, you should take a look at the history of PGE on the Clackamas. Most of your questions are answered there. It mentions Davis R...
Thanks Dave - I hadn't thought about looking at the old maps. That still looks like that area is privately owned - the current maps still show an in ...
I've been looking thru all of those photos on the OHS site and am planning on putting a bunch of them on the Historical page. When going thru the pho...
That OHS page has a TON of photos of the Oak Grove project. I'm still wading thru them.... I'd really love to know which end of the tunnel they st...
PStrobel said I was up on Mt Lowe back in October. I need some help ID'ing what mountains can be seen. To the south it looks like Three Fingered Jack...
Wow - that is interesting. It also says in addition to Memaloose and Whalehead they are putting one up on Oak Grove Butte (there is already a passive...
Both actually. The pictures that PStroebel posted were from the first one and the pictures I posted were of the one at the end of the road (where the...
The views from on top of Whalehead are pretty spectacular so yes, I can see why they chose it - especially since there is already a road up there. It...
I went up there today and it is quite different now. They have completely brushed out the 5411 road and are installing utility vaults along the road ...
That is really sad. I really liked that sign. I certainly hope it went somewhere to be saved. Same with the sign on Park Ridge that has disappeared...
That is very weird. The maps I am using for the map page here, the Thunderforest and Mapbox maps both show it but the ESRI New Topo does not. I'm gu...