Eminent Member
Joined: Feb 13, 2018
Topics: 8 / Replies: 18
3 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 549
RE: Reopening

Ughh... I just saw an update from ODOT saying 224 will be closed through the fall.

4 years ago
RE: Reopening

They would like to have 224 opened up by fall. We pushed back on the falling tree issue, too. Most trees near the highway have been addressed. I a...

4 years ago
RE: Photos and videos from inside the burn area

Pictures from May 12 trip up river. First @ Memaloose Weigh Station. Second @ Moore Creek Area, Third @ Hole in the Wall, Fourth Looking south past Ho...

4 years ago
RE: Reopening

On May 12, I had the opportunity to go upriver and survey the scene. I went with Pete Giordano, a couple other rafting guides, and senator Bill Kennem...

4 years ago
RE: Reopening

I sat in on a meeting with ODOT, Forest Service, PGE, Clackamas Co Tourism, Mt Hood Tourism, and several river outfitters. The meeting was recorded by...

4 years ago
RE: Reopening

The news about Olallie is encouraging. The Forest Service, ODOT & PGE are scheduled to present at an Estacada City Council workshop this evenin...

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 31
Views: 2868
RE: Photos and videos from inside the burn area

This map shows the latest satellite imagery (like Google Maps). You need to search Estacada then scroll down to the burn area. It is sobering.

4 years ago
RE: Trails Impacted by Fires

I'm hearing that they're cleaning up several old forest roads to get access to remote areas. It would be nice if they make these permanent to allow fo...

4 years ago
RE: Trails Impacted by Fires

I saw a picture from Three Lynx. Some structures burnt down. Some are still standing.

4 years ago
RE: Trail North of Fish Creek Mountain Summit?

Never considered the trek from Whale to High Lake. Intriguing idea, though!

5 years ago
RE: Mountain ID

This was very helpful. I've never checked out that app. Thank you!

5 years ago
5 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 558
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