Last seen: Mar 4, 2025
Thanks for the report and pictures, Don. Kirk
Rob, Thanks for making it work again.
Donald Presley said: Not getting too many hits on this one, so I thought that I would post another photo taken from the same spot as the othe...
Rob Williams said: Keep going east.... We'll get there sooner or later. Anvil Lake Trail?
How about trail #700 Shellrock Lake?
Okay, I'll make a guess. Cripple Creek?
Rob Williams said: Yes, it has a number and no it doesn't have a suffix on it. Okay that didn't lead me to any conclusion...
Does this trail have a number assigned to it? I'm not asking what the number is, just if it has a number. If it does have a number, does the numb...
So coming from the east side should be possible still, but instead of going across the logjam you'd have to start at the end of the spur above th...
Donovan said: That will make things more interesting. I guess the Christian Camp trail will be the ticket in high water. It would be interesti...
How long had the logjam been there? About a week ago we were driving by there and I was thinking that a good heavy rain would wash that natural bridge...
Exactly Rob. If it's ever my turn again, I'll try to make it more challenging. Your turn!
Don, I forgot to ask if that bridge goes over Stroupe Creek? How old do you think that bridge is?
Here's a trail that's not in the Mt. Hood NF. It's only a few miles out of the NF.
South Fork Mountain Trail?