Here is a trail that used to be listed as current, but I'm not sure about it's status right now. What trail am I on?
Mount Lowe?
Hawk Mtn?
Looks like the Olallie country?
MP3 trailhead?
Got to love modern technology! Everyone wants the ability to respond to someone instantly if they really want to, but if it isn't urgent, they act lik...
So we have a popular through route that goes near a lake, but you can't see the springs bubbling next to the edge of the lake unless you take this unn...
Would this trail or trails be in the Olallie Lakes area?
Bryon Boyce said From the angle of the slope on Thunder Mountain I'd guess you were on Baty Butte or the next one north or at least on that long aban...
So no response from Rob! OK then, what do we say about this view from a nearby peak in our district, where am I? To be honest this photo isn't from a ...
Hey Rob if you want to post one go ahead. I'm away from PC where my photos are stored. Or if anyone else wants to post one go ahead. Don
I guess I need to spell it out for everyone. The other trail that has the same acronym as the Corral Springs Trail (CST) is the Cold Springs Trail, wh...
That looks like the other CST?
It looks like we got another absentee poster! If you post a photo for the "What trail am I on?" forum, please subscribe to the forum so that you will ...
So Zack, is this trail abandoned ? You say it is a "current trail", but it doesn't look like it. So why should you have to work on it if it was a curr...