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  • Obscure Trails in Bull of the Woods Wilderness

    I'm planning a backpack trip into Bull of the Woods Wilderness - one trail appears on Green Trails Map that is not on the advocate website - "Janus Butte Trail" which is drawn 1.8 miles from road 6380 trailhead on trail 559 going SE to Janus Butte Summit - does anyone have any insight on this traill - is it folllowable? Are there views from Janus Butte?

    Also on topo maps on National Geographic topo map software, there is a trail that appears to be an extension of Mother Lode trail 558 at present or former site of Battle Creek Shelter across trail 559 switchbacking up the grade going across summit at 3672 ft and ending on road 4696 near marked elevation of 3339. Anyone know if this trail is followable or has any special merits (views, etc)?

    Also, does anyone know the status of the Schreiner trail from Big Slide Mtn to Schriener Peak or to Lake Lenore? Are they followable? How are the views from Shreiner Peak?

    Ken Sinansky
    Obscure Trails in Bull of the Woods Wilderness
  • Re: Obscure Trails in Bull of the Woods Wilderness (#)
  • Ken,

    I'd made a casual effort to locate the Janus Butte trail a few years ago but didn't see any obvious jct with the 559 trail.  It may be there if one were to really hunt for it.

    The steep trail down to Lake Lenore is easily located.  The trail out to Schreiner Peak continues for a short ways past the Lenore jct along the ridge top and then disappears.  I searched at various elevations for blazes, old tread and flagging but found nothing on that first attempt.  The terrain is quite rugged from there to Knob Rock and out to Schreiner.  Hope to make another recon out there soon and will report if I find anything.
