I was asked to post this information about the Pacific Crest Trail Association's annual meeting, which this year occurs in Oregon!
When: April 8, 9, 10. Where: Portland, The Doubletree Hotel, Lloyd Center, 1000 NE Multnomah St., ph 800-996-0510. At this late date, one is limited to on-site late registration and can only attend the Saturday daytime events, which do look interesting.
The featured presenter will be Walkin' Jim Stolz on Saturday night at the Awards Dinner, but late registrants can't access this, unfortunately. The event begins Friday at 7:30pm, but the main events are Saturday, all day. Sunday features bus tours to 3 different destinations, including St. Helens, but, again, late registrants will not be able to access these....On-site. Registration is 8 to 9am Saturday, and is cheap if you are just buying in at the most basic level-- $10 for PCTA members, $15 for non-members.
Contact: PCTA main office in Sacramento: 916-349-2109. They also have a website with a printable registration form. It is pcta.org