Mile Post 3 Trail
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Mile Post 3 Trail

Posts: 1525
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Joined: 16 years ago

OK, I'm going to post another trail that is somewhat well known, and has been talked about on these forums quite a bit over the years.  I haven't been on this trail for a few years, so I do not know what the current condition of the trail is, but the last time I hiked it (I think it was almost 5 years ago now), it was in good shape other than a few downed trees.  I had a little bit of trouble finding the "trailhead" on the road, but once I found it, the trail was easy to follow.  The trail starts at the 4635 road, almost exactly at the mile post 3 mark (hence the name) and makes it way up the hill to the Rimrock trail.  It goes through some nice old growth and a rock field or two with some great views.  It appears to be an old administrative trail that was abandoned years ago and resurrected by some of our venerable Trail Advocates.

There is more discussion about this trail in the site archives here.

OK, first off, a map of the trail:

Next, coordinates for the trailhead from an old posting (thanks to Karl Helser):

The UTM coordinates at the trailhead are 10T 577761mE 4994293mN The trail starts out at 2742' and tops out at 4256' in 2.7 miles where it T-bones the Rim Rock trail.


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Posts: 839
Joined: 16 years ago

I haven't been out there on this trail for at least 3-4 years myself. This trail is now in the Roaring River Wilderness with the 4635 road as the boundary. Trail maintenance becomes old school, crosscut saws. 

