I've been scratching my head about the lack of guesses, now it's all making sense
You know, looking back at the thread, I think it is the "other Brian" - Bryon Boyce that made the correct guess. Bryon, do you have any photos of trails you can post?
I was just doing what I was told
Well, I only guessed it by process of elimination.
This one will be easy for anyone who has taken a few steps off the trail involved, if no one has, clues will follow. Taken from the top of the headwall of an ice-age glacier.
That was my mistake. I was going back and forth with Brian over guesses to what trail it was and I failed to notice the Bryon had come up with the correct answer. I thought that I was still dealing with Brian. Sorry about that. Another senior moment for sure.
Bryon, are you up in the Olallie Lakes area?