Are you in anothe District by chance?
Is it cheating to look at your blog? I noticed a picture on your blog that looks almost exactly the same. It looks like the photo here was taken later in the year.
After perusing your blog further, I believe I've found the exact photograph you've posted here.
My guess is that he took a jaunt off the PCT on the Miller Trail and we are looking at Clackamas Lake.
What's the history of the Miller Trail? What was its route? Did this area used to be in the Bear Springs Ranger District and what happened to it?
I believe it is basically new, running on parts of the route to the Guard Station.
The old routes around there met at Timothy Meadows, which is now flooded, but helping keep our computers running and lighting parking lots. I have found the old south route and the west route leaving the lake. Both quickly fade into clear cuts.
It's all out of District so I have not been there much apart from some time keeping the lights and water going at the Guard Station rental for the Guests.
Kirk, I don't have access to the blog you mention. Is that Clackamas Lake?