What trail am I on?
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What trail am I on?

Posts: 287
Joined: 14 years ago

If anyone would like to post a new "what trail am I on" photo, please feel free to do so.

OK, here goes!

This longish trail now sees little traffic, but was once a main hoof and foot route.





Posts: 463
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Well, I'll take a stab at it.  Is it Rho Ridge?

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The powers that be were really grasping for land when the new wilderness additions were made into law. Clearcuts, paved and gravel roads are not wilderness attributes, but that didn't stop them from added the areas to the wilderness system. Maybe the roads will be decommissioned, but the clearcuts will take 100's of years to dissolve into the woodwork.

I believe about 2/3  of the White Iris trail is in the new wilderness addition to the Salmon-Huckleberry Wilderness, just that bottom end is out in the clearcut with the big blowdown trees you have to climb over is out of the boundary.

Won't it be nice to have a new district map with the wilderness boundaries marked on it. What do think, maybe 5 more years before they issue a new map. While on vacation within the last month I stopped by the Forest Service office in Lakeview, Oregon and bought their most current map, a 1995 edition. 17 years old is current.  Our 2002 edition map of our district, being 10 years old, isn't looking bad in comparison. I bet they are waiting until they decommission all of those roads so that won't have to draw them on the new map.  I know I am off subject, but hey you gotta vent.

Bryon would that new trail listed be the Rho Ridge Trail?

Posts: 839
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Joined: 15 years ago

I guess Kirk beat me to the punchline by 3 minutes while I was venting. That does look like Rho Ridge.


Posts: 287
Joined: 14 years ago

kirk said
Well, I'll take a stab at it.  Is it Rho Ridge?

Yes - and the award is....your turn to post!


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