So this abandoned trail is in the Bull of the Woods?
Indeed, though the downhill extension passes out of the Wilderness.
Is this the old Pansy Lake route that runs below the new trail?
This trail originally went to Bagbys mine. More and more windfall barriers every year. In fact the easy view of the falls from the trail is now mostly blocked by old growth blow down. Still a great area for bushwhacking and boulder hopping.
The stream flows into Pansy Meadows/Basin and disappears into the ground.
Its now your turn!
Not sure if I am at the right falls or not as I never went to the mine or back down to the road. I just remember being about a mile up the new, hearing water and at the Dickey Lake junction there was another route down to the lower trail and a falls there.
But I will accept the Glory and posit another query for the fans: