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What Trail am I am - Fall Edition

Posts: 839
Joined: 15 years ago

Doug Firman said
Well, that helps.  Is it the trail on the south side of Oak Grove Butte?


That would be correct Doug. I only found that 3/4 mile segment 3 weeks ago and showed it to a couple of my trail buddies the weekend before last. It is probably easiest to find coming from the 5710 140 road the goes to Oak Grove Butte. Hike down the 020 spur road that has about 500' decommisioned recently and go to the landing. Keep going past the landing on a tree filled spur road that was laid over the trail, the trail itself becomes visible once you get out of the clearcut. The trail goes through a nice old growth section and gives you a couple of views and comes out just above a corner of the 4640 163 road just to the SE of that finger lake or large pond next to the road.

So it is your turn to post something.



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Joined: 15 years ago

Thanks Don for the info on your trail discovery.  I'll go check it out one of these days.  Have you recovered other segments of the trail in that area?  It looks like it would be an interesting area to explore.

Here's a trail that's in a wilderness area.  Don't let the spooky tree scare you away.


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Is it in the Roaring River wilderness?

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Yes it is.

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Plaza Creek Trail?

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