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What Trail am I am - Fall Edition

Posts: 129
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Bryon Boyce said
I haven't looked into this for several years - at one point in time 3 to 5 years ago, they had a page including a map detailing open and closed areas. At that point basically the whole reservation was off limits with a few exceptions like Olallie Butte and the campground at Breitenbush Lake. At some spots on the Western edge of the reservation (near4220) there are still large keep out signs, like at Olallie Meadows and behind Breitenbush Lake and the road heading south to that lake. When I have more time I will see if anything was downloaded about this back then.

The import of their website has changed drastically since my previous visits as well. Now its all about tourism. Earlier it was much more about asserting their authority over tribal lands and history. And who knows, maybe they've decided tourism is more important than keeping people out of their reservation. Except those signs are still up.


There have been 3-4 trip reports on Ollalie Butte on Portland Hikers, appears to be a popular destination. I think I'll go this summer.




This one has a map, if asked, I'm sure the author would send a GPS track for posting in the trail index.



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It's pretty easy to find the Butte Trail being right at the road and powerlines.


I do think the written permission would be good to keep track of.


There appear to be ten year Agreements, I think the PCT is also governed thus, that don't get much daylight it seems.


If there is some kind of enduring agreement, it needs to be outed.


I couldn't find it. The FS would't say. And the Tribes wouldn't tell.



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The old and heavily rutted FS trail to the summit meets the PCT.  It's been a few years but I remember it being pretty obvious.  It was a mile or so from Olallie Lake.  I guess the question is, is this is a legal route?  Is this the trail that started all of this discussion?

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Robert Koscik said
x-1.jpgI'm pretty sure it's not a wilderness area.  This is an abandoned trail.



I'll make a stab at it. Smile Are you anywhere near Burnt Mountain?




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Bob, Mt Jeff looks like it is a long ways away from this spot, like all the way across the district away. Are you on South Fork Mtn?


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