What Trail am I am ...
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What Trail am I am - Fall Edition

Posts: 839
Joined: 15 years ago

IMG_1677.jpgD. I am with you. I folded and am almost gone. I have been setting back and looking and I don't like what I see. Why we are trying to determine a trail by what grows out between 2 rocks adjacent to the trail. This is almost as bad as the one with a "campsite" a 100' away from the trail, with no view of the trail in question. Come on people, lets get real. This is suppose to be about guessing what trail I am on, from the the trail, look out around you and take a photo, but leave the microscope at home. What, I need to take photos of the ants on the trail, or do I need to take a soil sample and send it into the OSU field station to see if they can help me determine the ph of the soil. Come on!

Here's one for you. What trail am I on?

(Of course the website always posts my photo at the top of my posting no matter what I do. Hello Rob, it may work for you as an admin, but it still doesn't work for me. No matter what I do, the photos always go to the top, no matter where I want them.)

This sucks. I am out of here.




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Joined: 15 years ago

Donald Presley said

(Of course the website always posts my photo at the top of my posting no matter what I do. Hello Rob, it may work for you as an admin, but it still doesn't work for me. No matter what I do, the photos always go to the top, no matter where I want them.)
This sucks. I am out of here.




The photo will get inserted wherever the cursor is in the editor when you upload it.  If the cursor is at the top of the text it will insert it there.  If you put the cursor at the bottom of the text (or wherever you want to insert the photo), it will insert it there.

Sorry you are having a bad day....


Posts: 839
Joined: 15 years ago

Rob Williams said 

The photo will get inserted wherever the cursor is in the editor when you upload it.  If the cursor is at the top of the text it will insert it there.  If you put the cursor at the bottom of the text (or wherever you want to insert the photo), it will insert it there.

Sorry you are having a bad day....


Rob, this isn't the way it works from my end. If I am posting, my cursor is at where I stop posting and where I decide to post a photo, agreed. Then why is the photo inserted at the beginning of my post, when my cursor is at the bottom of my post. Do you think I always move my cursor to the top of the page to post a photo. No, for it is at the bottom of my text, where I stopped posting. I wasn't having a bad day.


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I don't know what to tell you Don.  I tried doing this from various browsers, from various accounts (not admin accounts), and got the same results each time.  Where ever my cursor was when I clicked "upload" was where the file was placed in my posting.  Maybe you are doing it differently than I am.

I guess no good deed ever goes unpunished.  I do the best I can with the tools I have available to me, with the time I have available.  I'm sorry it doesn't work the way you expect.  I don't know what else to say.

Posts: 281
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I have the same problem posting photos as you are having.  No matter where the cursor is, the photo gets placed at the top of the post.  But I've found that it's a simple matter to cut and paste it to where I want it.  Just right-click on the photo, cut, and then paste it in somewhere else.  It's annoying and an extra couple of steps for each photo, but it works for me.


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