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What Trail am I am - Fall Edition

Posts: 839
Joined: 15 years ago

Yeah, the trail goes into one of the new "wilderness areas". So far, from what I have seen of this wilderness, it doesn't seem to include previously logged areas and roads like some of the other areas, but has it's boundary lines along existing roads and clearcuts.

This wilderness area doesn't have a current district trail, that's why my interest in trying to locate an abandoned one. What good is a wilderness area if you can't hike in it on a trail, but have to bushwack your way through. I suppose there are those who would argue with me on that, stating that isn't that the definition of a wilderness area not having been impacted by man.

Those who know me know that I am a friend of bushwacking, but I like hiking on a maintained trail a lot more, for I am able to enjoy my surroundings instead of constantly having to watch where I place my feet.


Posts: 839
Joined: 15 years ago

38map04a-Copy.jpgRobert Koscik said
Up Sisi?  I know you've been snoopin around up there.


We have a winner. I must have overlooked your posting last night when I was posting. The trail goes up the northside of Sisi from Bear Skull Springs near the Skyline Road. Lots of blazes. I probably won't get back up there til next summer, now that the snow is coming to the high country once again.

I include a portion of my '38 map showing the trail.

Your turn Bob to post a photo.



Posts: 316
Joined: 15 years ago

Hey you can't go up there without me!  I've been wondering about that trail for some time.  I thought it would be drier, how far east is that?

This is in a Wilderness, and is an active trail:


Posts: 281
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Could that be the trail up to Whetstone Mountain?

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Sorry, you're pretty cold.

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