South Fork Clackama...
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South Fork Clackamas logjam is no more!

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Donovan said:

Speaking of natural bridge, has anyone been able to get a decent photo of the "eye hole" in Big Cliff?


Like this?


That sure is a bummer about the logjam.....Although it was getting so jammed, it was only a matter of time.

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Don is that the view from Alder Swamp?

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Rob, that would be correct. A lot of water coming down the river. I did a hike out there yesterday a little over half way through. It started to sprinkle, so I headed back to my rig and got there before it started to really pour. I think the deepest snow I came across was about 8 inches.



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Kirk Tolstrup said:

How long had the logjam been there? About a week ago we were driving by there and I was thinking that a good heavy rain would wash that natural bridge away.


It seems like 2 or 3  winters ago it was just one big log across the mouth and then it has been collecting more and more logs as they came down the South Fork. The last picture I took of the logjam was back in January on one of severals trips I took over it this year.


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Donovan said:

That will make things more interesting. I guess the Christian Camp trail will be the ticket in high water.

It would be interesting to see the South Fork series of falls in this weather.

The tweaker tunnel route; is that spur decommed? Across from the first borrow pit.


Is the Christian Camp trail the one that takes off from the pipeline and goes up the west side of the gorge?

If the tweaker tunnel is the one with all the garbage, then yes, that spur has a few deep trenches across it. The gun enthusiasts have been taking interesting things like toilets to the trenches and using their weapons to destroy them. The funny thing is, they don't seem to find their targets worth taking home after they've had their fun.

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