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Snow Level

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Trying to squeeze out one last hike of the year at the higher elevations, I went up to try and hike the Plaza Creek trail yesterday.  Started running into snow at a little under 3000' and by 4200' (where the trail starts), there was 4-6", and that was before it snowed yesterday afternoon.  On the way home, it was snowing, so I'm sure there is more accumulation.  It was kind of cool because we were the first vehicle to venture that far up 4610:


So, with the snows last night and more to come this week, I think the higher elevation trails are essentially closed for the season.  A short hiking season this year for sure...

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Hiked to the summit of Fish Creek Mountain on Sunday 5/27/12 and to High Lake.  The snow level was at 4900'.  No traction devices were needed to get tot he summit as most all the snow to the summit has melted on the trail to the summit.  The summit itself had about two to three feet of snow on top.

However is you drop down to High Lake, there is snow all the way to the lake and traction devices are benefitial .  The lake is completely covered in snow.  Please follow like to slideshow of the day.

Most blowdown is within 500 yards of the old trailhead, and none of it is very bad.

Wildflowers are coming out as you can see from the slideshow.  No roddy's in bloom yet.

Posts: 713
Joined: 15 years ago

Nice report and fine pictures. You capture the trail well. Oregon fawn lily. Nice.

Have never seen the lake in Winter garb. Amazing the fish survive.



Posts: 463
Joined: 14 years ago

Thanks for the report and the pics.
