Rho Ridge Country N...
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Rho Ridge Country Notes

Posts: 713
Joined: 15 years ago

When we walked it in 1973, there were Pacific Crest Trail System Markers but they were quite old then and the trail in California was far from complete. Large stretches were along highways.

I recall one section somewhere south of Crater Lake that was hands and knees though brush. Like one of our abandoned routes.

The best parts were the John Muir and the Oregon Skyline Trail. We didn't travel in Washington.

Conceived in 1932, completed in 1993 according to Wikipedia.


Personally, I would like our Oregon part to be called the Skyline Trail once again.


D 2

Posts: 287
Joined: 14 years ago

My sources on that don't mention the Skyline Trail. It would be good to nail down any period of dual naming of the route.

I do think resurrecting the Skyline name has merit. As far as I know the most recent use of it was for a linked series of roads from Mount Hood to a little ways past Olallie.

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