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Recent trail damage on Tumala from horses

Posts: 6
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Joined: 9 years ago

 I've recently been on Fanton from the bottom, and on Old Baldy where it junctions Fanton. I was very dismayed to see the trails completely hoofed out from some horse riders going through in wet conditions. The trails are torn up starting at Fanton and continue onward on Old Baldy - especially bad on the steep sections. I'm not pointing fingers, just a bit dismayed at the lack of consideration for riding the trails when they were very wet. Since I'm new to these particular trails, I'm curious if this is a common occurrence, and do horse riders consider this when riding? The hoof damage is worse than the damage caused by ATV's that I've seen in this area. Since these are lightly traffic'd trails, to repack them down is a bit of a challenge.