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Questions About Pinhead Country

Posts: 316
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Joined: 15 years ago

Just wondering if anyone has driven to the top of West Pinhead.  District map shows 121 Road, but God knows the condition; over 5000'!

Surprising that the area wasn't part of Sisi Butte Wilderness.  LOTS of clearcuts in the area taking out big chunks of the old Skyline over 2 miles long!  One hell of a clearcut.

Also wondering about the former Lemiti Guard Station site.  Anything left?  Looking for a place to spend a few days that isn't a mess.  I see that Lemiti Camp is now a massive clearcut too, R.I.P. Oregon History. 

Thank you, I hope to skedaddle out there this week.

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Posts: 16
Joined: 15 years ago

Maybe 6-7 years ago I drove my pickup to the top of West Pinhead....All I remember was a HORRIBLE road. Definitely need high clearance vehicle...
