Huxley Lake 6/30/13
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Huxley Lake 6/30/13

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Joined: 12 years ago

The boys and I explored this little beauty today for our 2nd annual salamander safari (last year's destination was lower rock lake). They weren't disappointed. As we rolled up to park at the end of road 4611 the amphibians were swimming circles in the expansive mud puddles. We took a wrong turn and headed down the 517 trail before getting our bearings and heading back to the 521. Good thing though, as we encountered the mother of all mud holes hosting a salamander festival. Also good in that once we reached Huxley, the lake did not want us upon its shore. Lots of wild looking blowdowns and splendid skunk cabbage blocked our way. It smelled and sounded 'alive.' We snuck a few views of the water and enjoyed the sound of the wind in the trees and the cool shade. Most of the tread seemed like an ATV track and I was glad we didn't encounter any.


Was curious about the evidence of past fire near the lake? A quick google didn't return anything but I didn't look very deep. Any ideas or info?


Thanks....this is a nice site....

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Welcome to the site!  Sounds like you had a very nice hike around Huxley Lake!  I haven't been up there for a few years, but it is a pretty place.  It is a shame that the ATVs ripped up the trails around the lake.  It is on my list to get back up there this year.  Would love to see any pictures you might have of the lake.

As far as fire goes, I don't know if the Roaring River fire got up that far or not - that was close to 100 years ago and the last major fire in the area that I'm aware of.


Here is a photo showing some of the damage from that fire.  You can take a look at some of the old lookout photo panoramas and see what it looked like shortly after those fires - this one is from the Indian Ridge lookout looking in a westerly direction:

You can see the other photos here:

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If I remember correctly, many years ago I saw evidence of a campfire that had burned down into the duff and burned an area of several hundred square feet near the lake.  Obviously, Smoky the Bear was displeased. 😣 

Posts: 51
Joined: 15 years ago

Were you able to get all the way to the trailhead by vehicle? What was the road condition like? Thanks.

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I'm pretty sure we started from the top trailhead up at Lookout Springs on 4610 that day. Now it looks like there's a bit of snow up there after the storm over the weekend.  The road isn't impassable, but it's seen better days.

The lower trailhead on 4611 should be accessible, but I haven't been out that way in a while so can't comment on the current road condition.
