Frazier Turnaround ...
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Frazier Turnaround facilities

Posts: 713
Joined: 15 years ago

It has been a while but I believe it is just a short ways down from the Turnaround before the re-route that edges a swale rather than dropping into it. I recall it is at a kink in the trail where if you continue straight you are on it. There is a column of visible blazes but they are in that piss fir type tree, either Silver or Sub Alpine I think, with the thin bark where the blaze kind of blurrs over. Very, very slight tread. Beargrass.

When Paul Turner went after it I am not sure he had time for much blaze or tread hunting but I believe he may have run along some of it.


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Donovan said
When Paul Turner went after it I am not sure he had time for much blaze or tread hunting

Hard to tread hunt at a 15 mph hiking pace cool

Posts: 129
Joined: 15 years ago

I located a good .5 mile of blazed trail off the Frazier Turnaround Rd - see map below. Likely more but I had a ways to go that day and did not spend time looking very hard. Rob, I can supply the GPS track if you are interested. I'm not sure how the map below will work, Flickr has a new policy on images. Right click and View Image worked for me.




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Thanks, Paul - i was going to email you and see if you had a track I could look at.  If the aerial images can be believed, as well as what we saw from up on Frazier mountain last year, it appears there is tread higher up the hill through a couple of those talus fields - that is the part I want to explore.  I think it would be really cool if we could find that old trail - that is a BEAUTIFUL area - a trail up the South Fork would be a great getaway. 

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