Fish Creek Mountain...
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Fish Creek Mountain - conditions as of 7/4/2012

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I coerced my kids to go hiking with me by telling them that's what I wanted for Father's Day.  We went up to Fish Creek Mountain today, and it was really nice. The trail between the trailhead and the old road doesn't have any obstructions, except it was a little muddy and slippery in a few places. As previously mentioned by Dean, the only blowdown is near the point where the trail leaves the old road and heads up the hill. I counted only four locations with obstructions.The largest was about 12" diameter. I don't think there's any urgency in getting them cut out this year, unless someone is twiddling their thumbs and needs something to do.Smile

The flowers are putting on a good show, and I only saw a couple of mosquitoes.  We didn't get out of town until midafternoon, so we didn't make the side trip down to High Lake. We arrived at the trailhead shortly after a couple with their dog. It looked like they were going to spend the night at the lake. One of my kids found the Brubaker's remembrance marker under a small tree near the lookout location.

I guess I'll have to go back another day to check out high lake.