Fire up the Clackam...
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Fire up the Clackamas

Posts: 1523
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Joined: 15 years ago

If anyone is thinking of going up the Clackamas River Canyon, please be aware that there is an active fire (started sometime today) at around milepost 36 near an old quarry. We got stuck on the way home from a hike at Olallie Lake - they were flying a helicopter over to do water drops and they wouldn't let any traffic go under it. The fire looked pretty significant unfortunately. Hopefully they can get it under control soon. There was lots of help there. It had to have started sometime today because there was no sign of smoke when we went down.


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Rob, isn't that fire near the Moore Creek quarry where we pulled off the road last Monday after hiking to use your cell phone? I can smell the smoke in Oregon City.

Posts: 1523
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Joined: 15 years ago

That is exactly where it is.  I saw on a news website that they think it was caused by target shooters.

Posts: 839
Joined: 15 years ago

It was probably caused by a ricocheted bullet or a misplaced cigarette. Maybe now the FS will put the quarry off limits to shooting as it should have long ago. I hope they can stop the fire soon.

Posts: 1523
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Joined: 15 years ago

I was thinking it might have been one of those incendiary targets or something.  When I saw where it was, my first thought was it was caused by target shooters.  I'm hearing reports now of 224 being closed and the fire ballooning to over 1000 acres.  Ugh

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