Corral Springs Trai...
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Corral Springs Trail 507

Posts: 51
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Joined: 15 years ago

Hi everyone,


Been away for awhile having a baby and other life stuff. Just a quick post if anyone is interested in the Corral Springs Trail. Several kayakers hiked into Roaring on October 1st this year via the Corral Springs Trail. Overall the trail is in decent shape until the gradient really picks up about half way down to the river. The tread is really falling away where there is talus slopes and then it kinda gets lost in the brush in parts after that. We took one wrong turn but were able to pick up the trail again pretty quickly. It's been a few years since i've been in on that trail and it seems to have grown in quite a bit in that time. Spent a little bit of time kicking branches off the trail but we got a late start so didn't have time to do anything else (plus was pretty tired from carrying a kayak!). There are only a couple logs across the trail though and they are easy to get over or around.


I've included a pic of Parrywinkle.


Also, kudos to all the work on this website with the new maps and such. Really works well.



2 Replies
Posts: 1524
Joined: 15 years ago

Hi Pete!

Welcome back to the site!  And congratulations on the new addition to your family.  I took the Corral Springs trail down to the water last year and it was getting rather faint in places then.  I did some brushing on that trip, but it needs a lot more work.  Too bad more people don't take the time to make it down to the river.  It is a rather neat trip.

All the historical maps have been keeping lots of people busy (including myself).  They have opened up whole new worlds to explore!

Posts: 319
Joined: 15 years ago

Good to here from ya again, Pete. Congrats on the new addition! 
