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Bedford Point and Wanderers Peak

Posts: 1524
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Joined: 15 years ago

As I noted in one of my other postings, I went up to the old Bedford Point lookout and also up to Wanderers Peak today.

The old Bedford Point lookout was a bit of a letdown.  I was hoping there would at least be a little bit of a view and there would be more artifacts there.  Unfortunately, the site is COMPLETELY grown up, similar to Old Baldy, and you can see absolutely nothing from the site anymore.  I did find a few artifacts, and maybe even the remnants of one of the big rock piles from the 1934 photo of the lookout.  Found the footings and some tin, but that is about it.

Went up to Wanderers peak, and was surprised at how little snow there is.  The snow didn't start until almost 4000' and at 4300' it was only 4-6" deep.  So, there might still be a little time for some of the lower elevation trails if anyone is interested in hiking those before the real snow comes for the winter.

Two other things - There are a lot of thinning projects going on right now, so be careful if you are out on the forest roads.  Second - they seem to be trenching a LOT of roads - every spur road on road 45 up for several miles was trenched, and they are spreading more and more rock piles to discourage shooting along that road.  I was amazed to see shooters up there today (Monday).