Alternate Timber La...
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Alternate Timber Lake trail

Posts: 463
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Joined: 14 years ago

While I was up at Olallie this summer I found a short trail (about half a mile)  between the road at the Peninsula Camp sign and Timber Lake. It didn't look heavily used and was in fairly good condition except for a brushy spot where it crosses a streambed. The trail near the road has a few hundred feet that was involved in the fire last year, but it's not too bad.


Does anyone know the history of this trail?

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Did the trail go all the way to Timber Lake, and where does it come out? I went to Timber Lake for the first time this year when I cut logs out of the trail to the lake. I have only been to the Olallie Lakes area the last couple of years to clear trail, with the exception of a hike I took with my family back in 1970 or 71 to some lakes on the Indian reservation past Long Lake and south up the ridge to what I believe are Lake Mary and Alice and others. All I remember from back then was that the fishing wasn't all that great.


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This is kind of where the trail goes. It doesn't go all the way to the lake. It ends at the meadows (in the summer) on the north end of the lake. The trail has had some maintenance, there were some logs that had been cut out a while ago. I like this trail better than the beginning of the Red Lake trail because it's shadier and the tread isn't so rocky.

You're memories of the lakes on the reservation are probably a lot greener that what's there now. There are some small trees over that way, but a lot more dead, burnt trees.

Thanks for doing the maintenance on the trails up that way.

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So that's where it is. I always thought it left the otherside of the lake. Nice find.

There may be a trail to View Lake too. There are a lot of wood gathering "trails" that peter out.


Directly across the entrance to Peninsula?


There are also segments of the Old Skyline in that vicinity.



Posts: 463
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Joined: 14 years ago

We found it when we were following the fire line from last years fire. The fire line started at the east end of Timber Lake and pretty much went east down to the road. The fire burned the area between the road and the ridge between View and Timber Lakes. The fire touched a small area on the south side of Timber Lake. I don't think it made it to the shores of View Lake.


The trail leaves the road right across from the Peninsula Campground sign and starts in a WNW direction. It peters out when you get to the seasonally marshy area up at the lake. If the marsh/meadow is dried up, you can walk through it to the lake. It's probably about a hundred yards from where the trail dies out to the lake.
