Upgraded forum soft...
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Upgraded forum software

Posts: 1524
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Joined: 15 years ago

Just to let everyone know - I upgraded the forum software a few days ago and found an issue with posting photos.  I replicated the problem and found the patch on the forum website. 
I applied it and was able to post photos again.  Thanks to Don for letting me know about the problem.  If anyone else sees strange behavior, please send an email to webmaster@trailadvocate.org.

Sorry for the inconvenience everybody.  If you tried to post a message and insert photos and got an "Access Denied" message that is the error.

It is always a gamble on upgrading
plugins on the site, but the danger in not upgrading is that they suffer from
security vulnerabilities and other bugs so the site can get hacked if they don't get upgraded.  It is a constant cat and mouse game, which I try and stay ahead of.
