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New Historical Map Page

Posts: 1524
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Joined: 15 years ago

If anyone is interested, I added the 1972 map this morning.

Posts: 713
Joined: 15 years ago

That sure is fun use Rob.

D 2

Posts: 1524
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Joined: 15 years ago

If you are a map junkie, it can be quite addictive.  I'm processing the 1916 and 1952 maps right now.  They take several hours to create all the tiles, and then another couple to upload.  Hopefully tonight sometime they will be online.

After those 2, I think I will do the '35, '63 and '66 maps and call it good.   Although I'm toying with some other ideas for overlay options.  I will keep you posted.

Posts: 1524
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Joined: 15 years ago

I have now uploaded all the map tiles I think will be useful.  The 58 map didn't have any good coordinates to reference, so I omitted that one.  Some others really didn't have any significant detail.  I have uploaded the following maps of the Mt Hood NF to the new utility:

  • 1916
  • 1931
  • 1935
  • 1938
  • 1946
  • 1952
  • 1963 (South only)
  • 1966
  • 1972

The map has been updated with all these options to use as overlays.  I am experimenting with some other potentially useful options as well, but I'll keep those under my hat until I know I am able to do them.

Posts: 1524
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Joined: 15 years ago

I have a new, updated page to test out for the new map overlays.  This page has an option to select the base map (including the historical overlays), the overlay map (including the existing trails), and also a button to be able to visualize a GPX file on the map.  You can add as many GPX files as you wish - they will display in green.  The district trails will display in red (if you enable that overlay).


It allows some different comparisons, since you can compare one historical map to another, as well as allowing custom GPX tracks to display on the map.  Here is the link to the new page:


Let me know what you think, and how it works for you.  I will probably continue to test it out and make tweaks, but I've added all the functions I can think of for now.

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