I am in the process of making some major changes to the main map page. There are a variety of changes - here is a summary:
- Changed the FS Topo Layer - apparently the raster version was removed and the only available layer is now a vector layer
- Upgraded some components to latest versions
- Added displaying trail details in sidebar on right side when clicking on a track
- Refactored snotel data to pull from new modernized service
- Added pulling SNOTEL triplet data from API instead of static JSON file
- Refactored weather stations and snotel locations to come from REST API instead of static json file - also added stations in WA
- Added PGN (PGE) weather stations to map
- Added spinner to "retrieving data" popup for weather stations
- Moved weather display toggle from side panel to a layer
- Commented out burn severity layers for Riverside, Beachie Creek, Lionshead - I think they've outlived their usefulness
- Changed base font for map page
- Various other small fixes and cleanup
I haven't switched over the main page as of yet. I need to do more testing and validation. If you are interested in seeing the changes and experimenting with the new page, you can play with it here:
If you find any issues or think something works oddly, I'd appreciate feedback here.
I have switched over the main map to the new version - I've done some testing and all looks good but there were a lot of changes and it is quite possible I missed something. If you see anything odd with the maps, please let me know.
FYI, as I was making changes I did find some outdated links and fixed those.