Izaak Walton trail ...
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Izaak Walton trail head

Posts: 4
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Joined: 11 years ago

Can any one give me any information on a trail  / road that had signage "Izaak Walton" .

If memory is correct it exited a forest service road that runs from the Harriet lake park to Timothy Lake off paved road, left when traveling up hill to Timothy lake.  I believe it was not far from where a gated access road to Timothy lake gravel road allowed you to reach Timothy lake instead of staying on the paved road to the lake.   The last time I was able to see the road it had been overgrown with Alder trees and was almost not visible. 

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8 Replies
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I have no personal knowledge of said signed "trail/road".  My best guess is that it was associated with the Izaak Walton League. Maybe some project they were involved with in the forest, or a really good flyfishing location?


By the way, if you'd like to get emails about the postings here, I think there's a way to subscribe so you are automatically updated. I haven't used the feature, but our venerable webmaster can fill you in, I'm sure.  (The reason I mention this is that I like to see the answers to the questions posted on the forum, and if we all just replied to your email, it would limit our exchange of knowledge.)

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I do not know anything about the Izaak Walton trail either, but I will respond about the email feature.  I believe that you are automatically subscribed to any topic you post in (but I could be wrong about that).  If you want to make sure, you can just click the "Subscribe" button at the bottom of the topic and you will get an email when a new posting appears on that topic.

I agree with Kirk.  One of the benefits of these online forums is the exchange of info, and the ability to go back later and look it up.  There is quite a bit of info available on this site, in the current forums and also in the saved postings from the prior incarnation of this website.  I still go back and search for things I've forgotten about.  There are many posters here who have forgotten more about these trails than I will ever know.


Hope that helps a bit.

Posts: 713
Joined: 15 years ago

You might pull in at Shellrock campground. Cross the creek (I think they took out the bridge) and thrash around in the brush on the left from the road where it continues up the other side.


D 2


Posts: 839
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So the Shellrock Creek trail was the "Izaak Walton Trail" ? I have been hiking in the Clackamas for 30 years and this is the first time I have heard of such trail. I knew the old maps showed a trail up Shellrock Creek, but I hadn't heard of it's other name. I had crossed Shellrock Creek in looking for an old abandoned trail that went over to Cottonwood Meadows years ago, but I didn't see much trail sign because of the logging done around the creek. I'm sure there are other areas where the trail is more noticeable, but I haven't been there yet.


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