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Interactive maps on the website

Posts: 1523
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Just to let everyone know - the interactive maps (including the maps on the trail info pages) may stop working soon.  Google has changed their policy on free map access and has drastically reduced the number of free hits per day.  I will be updating the maps to use an open source framework, but it will take a while to get it done and convert all the pages.  Until that time, if the number of hits has gone over the free threshold the maps will stop working.

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FYI, the topo maps on the trail pages are no longer functional - you will get a page showing gmap4 (the tool underlying the maps) is no longer functional due to changes in how Google deals with maps. 

The maps page still seems to be functioning normally - I will be working on converting all of the maps to a new framework, but it will take a while.

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I have started the process of updating the trail pages with the new interactive map links.  There are a lot of pages so it will take a bit to complete, but I am working on them in stages.  The replacement is not as full featured as the previous solution was, but it seems to work pretty well.

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I believe I have completed the conversion of all the interactive maps on the site to the new format.  The process was very manual and time consuming.  I think I did it all correctly, but if anyone sees anything wrong with any of the maps, please let me know.  The new viewer may change over time - I will be investigating some other ideas I have, but at least we now have a map viewer again.

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I have replaced the map viewer with a newer, better version that has more functionality.  It is also used on both the trail info pages and the link for overlaying historical maps.  You can now overlay any/all of the historical maps we have "webified" (created tiles for) and adjust the opacity of each map to see how they line up.

The alignment isn't as good as I would like - I'm still investigating better ways of georeferencing the images so that they are more accurately located.  But for now, they will do.

If you are interested in maps, routes, etc, take a look and play with it.  It is pretty amazing what can be done with the new map frameworks.

New map viewer page

I'm still testing and debugging it, but it seems to work pretty well thus far, which is why I put it in place.  If you find any issues, or have any questions on it, please let me know.

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