Camping question an...
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Camping question and advice

Posts: 2
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Joined: 13 years ago

Hello folks on this forum,


I love this website, I had no idea that people like you did this as a hobby!  I find that to be very interesting having studied geography in college.


What I am wondering, do you guys have any good non-official camping sites that you can share?  I am throwing a bachelor party june 2nd and need a good place to drink with friends and sleep under the stars.  There will be about a dozen of us, so I need something that hopefully have a good view.  We will pick everything up afterwards of course and will pack out what we pack in.  A place where we don't have to hike much would be best and we don't want to go to a regular campground.  I mostly just want to be far away from other people.

I also am looking for somewhere within 2 hours of portland.  I know of a few spots that are OK and these include memaloose and molalla river.  I just want something better that is more spectacular.

Thank you in advance.



5 Replies
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Joined: 15 years ago

I don't do much camping in the district, except for when I do backpacking - then it is on a trail.  There are a multitude of dispersed camping spots that people use - I've seen many of them while driving around to trailheads, but I couldn't tell you a good one off the top of my head.

I'm glad you talked about cleaning up after yourself.  Nothing makes my stomach turn more than a dispersed camping area littered with junk and garbage (and there are a lot of them).  My motto has always been "leave the place as good or better than you found it".  My fear is that if littering, vandalism, etc continues, the FS will restrict dispersed camping even more.

Good luck in your search.

Posts: 2
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Joined: 13 years ago

Thanks rob,


I took and failed wilderness survival in college (the most failed class at U of O) and learned a lot from the guy who taught it.  I hate to see really pristine places damaged by folks who like to shoot off their guns, break bottles, smoke cigarrettes, dump stuff, etc as well.

I am looking at high rock which is near timothy lake as well as buck lake.  There is also a rock quarry near there where you can camp as well.  I have a feeling there is an abundance of places to choose from between bagby and timothy I will have to go on a little discovery mission to see what I can find.


Posts: 1525
Joined: 15 years ago

I think if you just drive out some of the "lesser" roads (either 4 digit roads - 5830, etc, or spur roads), you will find some good spots to camp.

Posts: 463
Joined: 14 years ago

If your group isn't more than 12 (it's in the Roaring River wilderness area) and you want a little bit of off-trail hiking then the saddle between Signal Buttes would probably have a pretty spectacular star show on a clear night.  You would probably have the whole place to yourselves. I'm not sure the snow will be melted by the date of your party though.


I'm interested in the snow level. Let us know what you find on your discovery mission.



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