Donald Presley said
How about Sounds of Two Rivers Trail?That last photo I thought was the trail going down to the Cold Springs guard station from the 4540 road which would have been the SFM trail, because Brian was talking about a spring nearby.
We have a winner! Donovan was right, that was too easy.
Brian's photo (I think) was taken just above the 4550 road - that section was past the clearcut below the old guard station which would definitely put it on the CST, not the SFM trail. I think he found a short segment of the trail in uncut timber above the 4550 road.
I will have to get back to you on a photo to post. Yeah Donavon and I flagged a section of the CST between the clearcuts the day before I showed you guys the whereabouts of the CST. So that was what Brian found.
OK here is a blast from the past, back when we couldn't get into the high country until June. What trail am I on?
Oak grove butte?
It's not Oak Grove, but I think you can see it from here.