What trail am I on?
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What trail am I on?

Posts: 1524
Joined: 15 years ago

Donovan said
I have only been there once fixing the faint trail. If it is what I think it is.

Upper Rock Lake?

Getting closer - I am very sure you have been to this area.

Posts: 713
Joined: 15 years ago

Is it possible the water body view is taken from a side other than that which the short stub trail delivers a hiker to?

D 2

Posts: 1524
Joined: 15 years ago

Donovan said
Is it possible the water body view is taken from a side other than that which the short stub trail delivers a hiker to?

D 2

At first, I did not believe so, but in thinking about it, I'm not sure now.  I was thinking this was taken right where the stub trail met the meadow, but now I'm wondering if I took this one from around the side.  A clue - the point at which this trail hits the meadow is REALLY brushy - REALLY.  A jungle almost.

Posts: 1524
Joined: 15 years ago

OK, no activity in almost 4 days now - I'll give one more clue and it no one guesses I'll just fess up.

This meadow is one of a series of meadows in the area.  And there is an old lookout location nearby with its own interesting "artifacts".

Posts: 1524
Joined: 15 years ago

No one appears to be interested, so I'll just tell everyone.  This was taken from the short spur trail off off Old Baldy down to Squaw Lakes.  The trail starts off pretty good, but by the time it gets to the meadows it is pretty faint and the part that opens into the first meadow is REALLY, REALLY brushy.  Cool place to explore in the fall, though.  Wouldn't want to do it early in the year - WAY too wet.

Someone else can post a photo if they want.

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