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Surprise Lake

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Rather than say the tread is present, I should say that the original blazes are findable. A few feet at a time of what may well have been the tread are visible here and there. It could not be clearer by the grown-over blazes that a trail once was here. It has been unknown decades since it has seen use, despite the fact that it goes where there are no other routes. This may not have been active long. I only followed a few hundred feet due to the steep, wet and slippery conditions.

I would like to get a group of willing participants to find this route and even a small group could do this in a day to Surprise Lake.

The clue that lead to finding this was in the "Undated Trail Logs" from the Historical Items page on this site. One waypoint is called "Camel's Back Way" on the section "East Mountain Trail". I suspect a 'way' was something less than a 'trail'.

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Our group has made it in following the old 350 road and they also tried other routes. It is a difficult path and it is not worth it. The lake is shallow and no fisk in it anymore. If you want to go in there is a geocache group who hikes it every year and you could go with them. Thanks all for the info and I wisk you luck on this route.

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I printed the map before I left for Fish Creek, Surprise Lake, and Sookum Lake. Talking with some of my fellow Geocachers about the 1946 Firemans map and we believe that the dotted line across the North shoulder of Bracket Mtn is a fire brake cut at one time, but probably not a trail. That said I believe the shortest route to Surprise Lake is via Bracket Mtn and follow the ridge line north staying high until you make it to the old quarry about where the dotted line ends. You can then follow the old road around and down to Surprise Lake.

In the past six years Ive been here and the surrounding area three to four times a year. True there is not fish left in the lake, I don’t know what happened to them. But They were there and biting real good one trip in and the next trip in they were gone. That said I still enjoy the peace and quiet of the lake, its a place only the few willing to make the trek in could enjoy.

I will as I have time look into the “Camels Back Way”, but as one who has stood on the highest hump of the Camels Back, the name implies to me a trail that follows the ridge line. I thought I new the area you described finding the blazes and on Saturday I spent some time searching, but I found nothing. Possibly a better description of where it was. Maybe even marking the trees with some flagging tape.

I don’t know if I will make another trip in this year, but I will keep it in mind for next time I’m there.

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Paul_D_K said
That said I believe the shortest route to Surprise Lake is via Bracket Mtn and follow the ridge line north staying high until you make it to the old quarry about where the dotted line ends. You can then follow the old road around and down to Surprise Lake.

I can attest that this is a doable route, however it is not easy. We took this route back from Surprise Lake a few years ago.

I think the reason Surprise Lake appeals to some people is because it is hard to get to.  Although it doesn't have fish in it anymore, it is still an interesting place I think.  Kind of frozen in time.

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