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Old Baldy - West?

Posts: 316
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Joined: 15 years ago

Any remenants of the trail heading westerly from Old Baldy summit (1938)?

2 Replies
Posts: 713
Joined: 15 years ago

Yes. The Bissell trail.

There is a long standing mapping error from early on that skews the record. There is an extra creek in a deep fold that the early mappers missed but passed on from year to year.

It is impacted hard by cutting west of 4615, but it is findable on account of being a ridge route.

You might be able to get up there now and look around on account of the high snow level.

More interesting to me is old Trail 503.

Posts: 316
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Joined: 15 years ago

Interesting!  So the 38 map showing a trail heading NW past that little lake is in error? 

I'm not surprised, that particular map seems to be littered with trail location errors, beautiful as it is.

Is 503 S. Fork Eagle Creek?  How do you find your trail numbers?  Is there a cohesive list out

there somewhere?  There are a lot of old trails on the maps but their numbers are a mystery.  That would be a great list to have on this site.

After spending more time on active district trails, I am becoming less interested in the abandoned routes.  There are so many current system trails that are very little traveled and need so much work that it almost seems neglectful to go stumbling around in the brush instead of working on trails that really need the help.  Hopefully the Americorps work this summer will lessen the impact of our temperate jungle for a few years.

Thank you as always! 
