Cougar Creek Trail ...
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Cougar Creek Trail Revisited

Posts: 839
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With the rain hitting my windows and the wind knocking leaves off

my neighbors trees into my yard, I am glad I seized the opportunity

to run to the mountains last weekend. I hope others did also, for the

the weather was perfect for hiking once the morning chill was off.

 I once again returned to my labor of love the Cougar Creek Trail, but I

came in from the south this time near Signal Buttes. The patches of snow

near the top from last weekend's weather reminded me that access to

this trail is swiftly running out of time. Once I turned the corner on the

ridge the trail plunged into Cougar Creek canyon. After following the

faint  trail and my old flagging about  1-1/2 to 2 miles I reached where I

had lefted off last July when I had ran out of flagging.

I picked up the tread and started flagging my way down, but the terrain

had begun to level out, and it wasn't long before I lost any sign of any

tread whatsoever. With no blazes to be seen I decided to just head down

to the creek which I could hear by now. I flagged my way eventhough

it wasn't trail, so I could find my way back out of there. I had only gone

about a 100 yards when I ran across a trail, which ended up being "the 

trail", but I didn't know it at that time. I followed this trail about a 100 

yards or so until  it came to the infamous Cougar Creek. I crossed over

the 6-8 foot wide stream and proceeded to look for more sign of tread.

I went due west into a grove of cedars that looked like a trail was heading

for, but ended up just being a game trail. I was getting hungry, so I ate

lunch there and got out the copy of a piece of the 1938 map that I had

with me. The map showed the trail turned north after crossing the creek

for awhile before turning west again.

Having ate and rested,  I headed back towards the creek crossing and

wouldn't you know it I stumbled upon a cut log not 50 feet from where

I had crossed the creek. There are not any cut logs down in this canyon

unless they where cutout of the trail. I had a cut log, but no tread. So I

headed in a northly direction following what looked like a game trail 

heading towards a ridge in the distance.

After about an 1/8 mile, I came to a clearing at the bottom of a talus

slope that ran a 1/4 mile or so up the canyon wall. There before me was

tread beginning in that talus slope and heading right up the hill out of the 

canyon. It wasn't long before I was into a mass of rhodies, but I didn't 

care, for I was onto tread again and the flagging proceeded. Looking

over my right shoulder I could see the northern most Signal Butte

through the trees. It was nice to be able to see the otherside of the

canyon for a change.

Not wanting to stop what I was doing, but knowing that it would take me

at least a couple of hours to climb back out of here, I turned around at 

3pm and headed back out of the canyon. After crossing the creek, I tried

to find the tread that  would take me back to where I had losted it earlier

in the day, but was unable to locate it. So I just angled up slope and ran 

into my flagging and the tread about half way up out of the canyon. I

reached my rig at 5pm with the sun low in the sky and a chill beginning

to come on.

I know it probably won't be until next summer before I can get back

down to where I had lefted off on locating this trail, but I know that

there  are only more surprises to be found on this trail amd I want

to be the one who finds them.

P.S. I will post some photos when I get them downloaded and resized.

3 Replies
Posts: 839
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Joined: 15 years ago

Photos from Cougar Creek:

Cougar Creek at trail crossing.

Northern Signal Butte through the trees.

View from the trail looking down into Cougar Creek.

This was taken on my way out of the canyon and the

bottom of the canyon was already shaded at about 4:30pm.

A section of the old 1938 map showing the Cougar Creek Trail.

Posts: 713
Joined: 15 years ago

Hey look at that -- PICTURES!

Donald Presley said:

Photos from Cougar Creek:

Cougar Creek at trail crossing.

Northern Signal Butte through the trees.

View from the trail looking down into Cougar Creek.

This was taken on my way out of the canyon and the

bottom of the canyon was already shaded at about 4:30pm.

A section of the old 1938 map showing the Cougar Creek Trail.

Posts: 316
Joined: 15 years ago

Great stuff Don! 

Started sanding my crosscut and trying to find the needed bits.  Hope to start filing soon.  Ebay is crazy right now for tools, $50 for a jointer?  Fahgitit.
