Cold Springs Trail?
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Cold Springs Trail?

Posts: 51
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Joined: 15 years ago

I was out in the woods today and stumbled across the Cold Springs trail off Memaloose Rd. near the top. It drops down into Wash Cr. Does anyone have any info on it? I can't find it listed in the index. Well flagged and in good shape with some current boot prints on it as well. Beautiful forest but a lot of elevation gain on the way out.

Thanks. pete

7 Replies
Posts: 463
Joined: 14 years ago

Hi Pete,

I believe the trail trolls have been working their magic out there in the last few years. 😉

Did you make it all the way down to Wash Creek?

Posts: 51
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Joined: 15 years ago

I did although I lost the trail right at the confluence. Lots of brush.

It's a beautiful trail with big, big trees and views of the basin. I commend whoever has been doing work there as it isn't an easy one with all the elevation gain.

There is even a great old sign as well as a TA marked log out there ;).

No trail sign at the road though. Is that on purpose?

Posts: 463
Joined: 14 years ago

Yeah, if the sign was too visible it would probably be more of a target for some nefarious attention.

Have you seen the really old trail sign?  There's more to explore in that direction too.Cold-Springs-Trail-Sign.jpg

Posts: 463
Joined: 14 years ago

Hey Pete, is this you?



It was a b-e-a-utiful day out in the woods yesterday. We made it all the way down to Wash Creek as well.  It was chilly down there!  I think the cool air was being funneled down to the creeks.

Did you happen to notice the mile markers?


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