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Updated Historical Pages

Posts: 1524
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Joined: 15 years ago

Thanks to a great deal of help from Cheryl Hill, author of two great books:

Oregon Fire Lookouts

Mt Hood National Forest

I have completely re-organized and categorized all the historic content on the site. It should hopefully make it a lot easier to find things of interest and also to browse.

She also graciously allowed me to copy some historic photos she got when researching her books.  There are some more lookout photos as well as several other photos sprinkled in the different pages.  I think I added something like 30 or 40 additional photos.

Please take a look at your leisure and let me know if you find any issues.  It is all under the "Historical Items" link in the menu on the right hand side of the page. 

2 Replies
Posts: 280
Joined: 15 years ago

Looks really good, Rob.  Nice to have things so well organized.  (Although I did kind of enjoy the disorganization before - it was like looking through a box of old stuff to see what was in it.)

Thanks, Cheryl, for the photos.  They really help bring the old trails and buildings to life.  When I'm out on an old trail or at a lookout site I often think of the folks that built it and used it so many years ago.  Photos like these make it easier to imagine all of that.


Posts: 319
Joined: 15 years ago

Looks great, Rob. Much better. Although I completely agree with mr Firman, the old cluttered pages reminded me of rummaging through an old attic full of photos and ancient stories. I never knew what I might find.
