Well we haven't had a thread about trail signs for several years: https://www.trailadvocate.org/sf-forum/historical-items-of-interest/oregon-skyline-trail-metal-enameled-signs/
So I thought I'd start one here.
The sign at the base of Pyramid Butte is gone. It looks like the bolts were cut carefully with a hacksaw. Does anyone know where the sign has gone to? You can find a picture of the sign here: https://www.trailadvocate.org/?page_id=1235
If you have any pictures of trail signs, new or old, and want to share, please post them!
I just found the National Museum of Forest Service History. Here's a picture they have of how they did it back in the olden days.
It's kind of blurry, but I think it says "OREGON SKYLINE TRAIL"
That is really sad. I really liked that sign. I certainly hope it went somewhere to be saved. Same with the sign on Park Ridge that has disappeared with no traces to be found.
Here is a picture of the sign if you don't want to click the link: