Three Lynx Way trai...
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Three Lynx Way trail

Posts: 316
Joined: 15 years ago

What about the way trail heading west from Cripple Creek?  I have looked for it but was only rewarded by the yellowjackets...

Lots of logging around there of course.

Posts: 713
Joined: 15 years ago

I have never found any of that either. I thought the "T" off Dry Ridge was a fragment until I realized the upper end of Dry Ridge was a newer re-route, and the "T" was a fragment of the old.

So are those wilderness roads up there closed off?


Posts: 319
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In 2012, the road through those clearcut you see in Doug's satellite image was open. The wilderness didn't include it, yet.....

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16 - 20 years ago I followed some flagging on the trees close to and roughly parallel this route. I did not see much in the way of a trail but it may never had much tread. Blazes who knows but I do not recollect seeing any. At the time I thought the route would make a good cross-country ski trail. I eventually angled east over to the Cache Meadow Trail to head out.

After all this time who knows if any flagging remains.

Posts: 713
Joined: 15 years ago

There was another line of flagging in the vicinity but I figured it was for a research project and ran askew of the trail.

We used to have another maintenance access "trail" further west. 

Grouse Point Trail would have been hell to take care of without them. Which is why I keep wondering when or if those roads up there will be or are wilderized like up towards Old Baldy.

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