Oregon Skyline Trai...
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Oregon Skyline Trail Article

Posts: 316
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Joined: 15 years ago

Hiya, I have just completed a lengthy report of the Oregon Skyline Trail (and Road), read it...if you DARE.  It goes into the history and an expedition Don and I shared last summer.


I have also added a couple of other stories from the past year if you're interested.

thank you!

5 Replies
Posts: 129
Joined: 15 years ago

A most excellent article, well researched and what a great batch of lost trail and road segments and artifacts. Thanks for taking the time to put this together - an enjoyable read.




Posts: 316
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Joined: 15 years ago

Thank you Paul.  It took a good amount of time to get it all together.  It is probably most interesting to Trailadvocates because it really focuses on the Mt. Hood area, and there's not a lot of information out there on the subject.  I sure wish I could find more info and photos!  I'd probably have to search someone's archives in person, maybe I will some day.  But it's a start to a very complex and nearly lost subject.

Posts: 129
Joined: 15 years ago

I posted a link to your article over on Portland Hikers, there are a number of people over there who love reading about these old trails and roads and other stuff from days gone by.



Posts: 839
Joined: 15 years ago

Bob, I just got done reading your blog. WOW! Thanks for sharing your research and your explorations, as well as your personal thoughts. I can almost smell the hot piney breeze and hear the creaking snags as it was last summer when we spent those couple of days together exploring the Lemiti country.

I spent several more weekends up there last summer exploring more of the Skyline Trail north through the Pinheads and also south following down Lemiti Creek where we lost trace of the trail. With the time I have off due to hernia surgery  I should share what I had found as well as what others have shown me from the area. I will definitely be heading up there again once the snow melts, too interesting an area to let dissolve back into the forest.


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