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Green Cascadia Guide Service

Posts: 316
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Joined: 15 years ago

Hey Robert Koscik, where the heck have you been?

At 41 I decided to fulfill a midlife crisis - quit my soul-sucking job and began the process of starting Green Cascadia Adventure Guide Service, focusing mainly on the wild areas within the Clackamas River Ranger District.  It has been a lot of work to say the least!  

Although I am humbled by wiser and experienced people such as the individuals on this forum, or those that have grown up dedicating their lives to "Our District", I decided that there was nothing else I'd rather do with my time then to get out there at every possible chance and contribute what I can to make our small part of the Oregon Cascades a little better.  After all, the clock is indeed ticking.  "How many more years can I do this?" I often think.  But working with such a great bunch of hardworking, often retired guys with boundless energy has been my inspiration.

I have a website and a blog going, please take a look!  And thanks to all of you who told me it could be done, in spite of myself.

11 Replies
Posts: 463
Joined: 14 years ago

Is that Don standing by that big tree on your homepage? It looks like his hat. That tree looks massively huge! I hope your business venture is wildly successful.

Posts: 316
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Joined: 15 years ago

That IS Don, man you have a good eye!  He's also featured on a brochure and all over the web pages.  I guess we see a lot of each other out there.  Good thing he's such a HANDSOME FELLER.

Thank you for the well wishes, I do hope it takes off.  It has been so much work but I can't imagine anything more rewarding.  If my permit gets approved (Mid-June they tell me now), I will be 1 of 2 people with a guide service in the Clackamas District, quite an honor.  

Posts: 463
Joined: 14 years ago

That tree Don is standing next to in the picture looks huge. Is that the biggest tree in the area, and where is it?

Posts: 316
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Joined: 15 years ago

I'm not sure of exact directions, but it's between the Hot Springs Fork and Baty Butte, inbetween clearcuts of course.

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