Rho Creek Trail
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Rho Creek Trail

Posts: 1524
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Joined: 15 years ago

I burned a vacation day on Thursday and decided to hike the Rho Creek Trail.  I was pleasantly surprised to see that the trail has had maintenance on its whole length, both below 4672 (the official part) and above 4672 (the abandoned part).  The lower part had been all cut out, had some tread work done in places and had had some brushing out as well.  The upper part had all the little logs cut out (which had been there for years it looks like) as well as some brushing and flagging.  All in all, the trail was in the best shape I've ever seen it.  It was easy to follow and easy to hike.

Thank you to all who did hard work on this trail this year!

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Yes, I was up on Rho ridge Saturday and decided to hike the short trail down from "Bear Camp". I hadn't done this stretch before.

Back in 2020 I hiked up from 4672 and made it in to the old Guard Station. There was that little logs section you mention, I do remember that. Back then the trail after the creek was not so good in places, and a few hundred yards after the abandoned Station site I was unable to continue.

This time, after the junction to the site was a different story altogether. Well flagged and smooth sailing. I note 2 colors of flagging, likely at different times. I was quite excited to continue the trail all the way back up to the decommissioned spur. A very short distance up the spur I noted a way back into the woods that had obvious tread, so I didn't have to follow the bad road all the way up. That last section of trail took me up to a few hundred yards from where I had parked. A nice short couple hour loop for sure.

Yes, a strong thank you to the folks that put in the hours to re-open the south end of the trail. 


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p.s.  I haven't done the bottom section of this trail below 4672, but it is now on my list.

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Joined: 15 years ago

Posts: 1524

Posted by: Theobob

p.s.  I haven't done the bottom section of this trail below 4672, but it is now on my list.

If you like trail in beautiful old growth with a lot of creek sounds, you will love it.  The lower portion is the best it has been in years as well - the segment thru an old cut used to be really rough, but it is pretty good now.

