I guess some of you found this album - I just poked thru it today and found a few more photos. Here is the album if you want to look at it - it contains pictures from all over Oregon:
First, near Timber Lake:
Next, a sign near Fish Creek Campground:
I saw this posting today - a more complete BAER (Burned Area Emergency Response) report:
According to the document, the following structures burned:
- Lazy Bend site completely burned
- Multiple facilities at Timber Lake Job Corps burned
- Multiple facilities at the Riipplebrook Maintenance Yard burned
- 9 Residences and an outbuilding burned in the Ripplebrook residential area
- Six structures and the hay barn at Oak Grove Work Center burned
There is lots of other interesting info in the document - Not all of it I understood, but it was interesting reading.
I saw that the FS has posted a Flickr album with photos from the fire. There are some new ones in there that I had not seen before.
FYI, that Flickr album has been updated with better descriptions on the photos as well. That one of the electric tower says it probably broke due to a falling tree (not heat).
I wonder if they will correct the caption for the Fish Creek bridge photo. It looks to me like the Road 45/Memaloose bridge. https://www.flickr.com/photos/forestservicenw/50588488166/in/album-72157716833507728/