Made it up to Olall...
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Made it up to Olallie Lake...

Posts: 22
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Joined: 5 years ago

Hey folks,

Last Thursday night (6/8) I made it up to Olallie Lake. I only saw snow in a very few shaded places off the road (next to Lower Lake CG). I would figure that now we can get into BOTW, Frazier, and all these other "higher" open places. (A few weeks ago (5/25) I stopped up 4670 at Tarzan Springs due to snow...)

This time, when on the way up 4220, I noticed heavy equipment near the powerlines that had been clearing the right of way areas. Looks like they de-brushed a lot of the open area beneath the lines. Makes sense...

Lower Lake CG has had most of the trees removed, and they were in a deck next to the road. I believe this to have been recent spring work, as there was still equipment parked at the site... It also looks like they have started on both Camp Ten and Peninsula CGs, but I figure that this work on the lake CG's must have taken place last fall. The road around the lake has a (traditional/usual) washout trench where a pipe crosses under. I am sure that nobody has driven this road this spring, as there are still logs blocking it. 

Diane and Dennis at the resort say that they stocking truck has not made it up yet. Maybe this week...  Nonetheless, I caught a carryover trout and sent it back...

Side note: As I passed NF57 on the way up, I noticed that the barriers have been moved allowing access. I paused for a minute to see if anyone was on the way down. A forest service truck was on the way up, so I inquired. They said that no, it was still closed. They had opened it so that fire crews could help manage a small fire up near Shellrock Creek CG. 


And...   I made it up to the first bridge across Fish Creek 5/27, the old road grade wasn't so bad. I clipped some blackberries and maples to open it up a little. It was getting a little rough above Second Creek.


Just thought I'd chime in with a short contribution.   Life is good up there...



2 Replies
Posts: 281
Joined: 15 years ago

Regarding Road 4670, I was up at Graham Pass 5/24.  Rd 4670 had about six inches to a foot of snow just to the north of its junction with Rd 6350 (which was clear).  I'm sure a lot of the snow in that location is melted by now, but there's likely still snow blocking the road in the vicinity of Mt Lowe.

Posts: 463
Joined: 14 years ago

Howdy Ted,  Thanks much for the maintenance on Fish Creek trail.  We made use of it coming out Sunday after camping at the second bridge.  Those maples and Himalayan blackberries are going to be quite the pain until the trees get tall enough to shade out those pesky trail invaders!
