Fires in and near B...
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Fires in and near Bull of the Woods Wilderness

Posts: 1524
Joined: 15 years ago

It appears the fire is basically out at this point.  Here is the last update on inciiweb:

The past two days brought moderate rain and snow showers over the fire area. Fire behavior is now observed only in isolated and well sheltered stump holes.

Our IMT3 team continues management of the Bull Complex and will transfer command to local Mt. Hood National Forest fire resources at 7:00 a.m., Monday, October 18.  Incident command complexity at that time will drop to a Type 4.

Repair to damage caused during suppression operations is ongoing. Mechanized brush debris chipping and fuels reduction via the use of a curtain burner are the primary operational focuses. Road grading of forest roads affected during the incident are also being accomplished. All these activities will be pursued until fall weather makes work impractical. Structure protection wrap has been removed from Bagby Hot springs, Hawk Mountain Cabin and Gold Butte Lookout. No further structures remain wrapped.

BAER personnel began preparations for conducting their operations in the fire area. This work will be primarily focused on treating damage to trail systems within the burn area. Bull Complex total acreage remains unchanged at 24,894. Fire containment is now 60%. Approximately 55 fire personnel are assigned to the incident.

This will be the final Bull Complex update unless there is a significant or notable change to report. Thank you for your interest and participation throughout the entirety of this incident.

Finally some good news!

Posts: 1524
Joined: 15 years ago

To kind of bring this topic to a close, I took a flight over the Clackamas yesterday and got a photo of the BOTW Lookout (what is left of it).  This is a zoomed in shot - it is kind of hard to see, but what remains are the 4 legs (they look pretty charred) and one small piece of the lookout that still appears to be attached to one leg:


There is still a lot of snow up there!

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Joined: 15 years ago

Posts: 1524

To close the loop a bit on this one, here is a photo on the ground of the remains of the BOTW lookout:

20220924 125209

Most of the Bull of the Woods trail wasn't too bad, however the trail up on the ridge near the lookout was burned pretty significantly:

20220924 124409

You could see a bunch of trees that they had cut down around the lookout - I assume trying to protect it.  The old outhouse was burned up as well.

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